H&D Deluxe and state of the website, and yours truly
It is almost one year since i started the vision that is sals h&d research centre. this experience has been mentally intense. the constant scouring of the web looking for any bit of editing information,. witnessing the vanishing of interest in hidden ad dangerous and the dissapearance of fan sites , reading abut the problems within illusion softworks and the lack of progress in releasing H&D2, not being able to edit H&D any further that dat files and extracting 3ds files to GMAX. At low times i had considered abandoning the community altoghether and concentrate on other more open sourced gamesso i attempted to find a suitable replacement for hidden and dangerous with titles like operation flashpoint and medal of honor allied assault . both of which are now gathering dust in my desk drawer. Such had been my dispair that i had lost my interest in computers and programing all together, i left my job at a major computer manufcturer and took up a diferent job as far from computers as posible , no kidding . so i now own and operate a dump truck. it may seem strange but i have now more time to investigate hidden and dangerous than when i was working IT, go figure . Anyway restarting the search i came across great news at www.hidden-and-dangerous2.co.uk
lonely cat games is re-re-releasing (extra re is intentional, remember the action pack) hidden and dangerous as hidden and dangerous deluxe. you can read the whole report here
in an nutshell its good old hidden and dangerous with an improved engine
and best of all A MISSION EDITOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
its what we have been waiting for , hell who knows whats next also it is confirmed , 3d studio max was used to create h&d models so a model importer is now more feasible than ever, in conclusion if H&D Deluxe is wht Lonely cat sais it is , your friend Sal is here to stay so stay tunned for more exiting developments , so in the words of venerable comic book master Stan Lee "nuff said"
1-04-2002 NEW SECTION, VIEW H&D 3DS FILES IN GMAX I believe in sharing info as soon a it gets to me so due to special request we have a new section VIEWING 3DS IN GMAX. As with all my guides it will be illustrated , ENJOY
1-1-2002 Happy New Year And you tought i was gone.... never, i am still around and would you believe it still researching. I understand that i have not touched the site for about 4 months so i need to do major cleanup to the site to remove dead links and update downloadables. also get a new counter going , last time i checked the counter stoped at 5000 hits, thanks for the support :-). in other news .... H&D MODELS VIEWABLE IN GMAX i have been able to view some models from H&D in Discreets Gmax. just extract .3DS files using Data Ex or Dragon Unpacker and you can view them using GMAX still dont know what to do with this but who knows were this may lead , it beats nothing. i have included a picture the the Bren for your viewing pleasure.i have also iincluded a link to www.discreet.com the makers of gmax, below
download GMAX HERE! ![w_bren.3ds in gmax](https://salshdresearch.tripod.com//sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/breningmax.jpg)
NEWS IN SPANISH NO MORE well it seems that i am the only one that plays hidden and dangerous here in Mexico nowadays so to save webspace, I am taking down the spanish section . if you need some spanish info as always you are welcome to email 8-31-2001 OVER 3000 HITS TO SITE Thank you for your continued support. i am aware at the lack of progress to further edit H&D but be assured that im staying put and will continue to search for more H&D mods OPERATION FLASHPOINT RELEASED IN US oh yes operation flashpoint was released in the US 8-29-2001. I already have a copy and plan to be creating missions for it in no time. the theme ..... hidden and dangerous of course!!!! NEW SECTION "IMAGES OF WAR" part of the fun of playing hidden and dangerous are the image captures . i want you to send pictures of your H&D wartime exploits and they will be proudly exhibited in this page, indicate if you want your name or alias displayed and a small caption describing the image. remember only the best will be shown so composition is important . please send images in JPG format only 8-3-2001 NEW LANDMINES ADDED inspired by the abundance of games that suck added 2 new mines to land mie section enjoy my rants 7-14-2001 OVER 2000 HITS TO SALSHDRESEARCH O YEAH I FEEL THE LOVE THANKS GUYS NEWS IN SPANISH ADDED NOW WE HAVE THE NEWS SECTION IN SPANISH, yo quiero taco bell!! 6-16-2001 I AM NOT DEAD sure it has been a couple of weeks do not worry i am stil researching hidden and dangerous .thanks to all who have e mailed , in other news... OPERATION FLASHPOINT holy shit. everyone should be playing this game. iam not even goung to review but one sentence sufices . if you love hidden and dangerous you will die for operation flash point . how cool is a company that is openly endorsing modification and add on levels. they even have add on levels for their game's DEMO!!!!!!!! the guys at codemasters are too cool not to be mentioned on this site link added. HINT HINT Illusion softworks. 5-29-2001 WE ARE NOT ALONE, and thats a good thing There is another site out there dedicated to hidden and dangerous modding its called THE DUGOUT ,it seem that this site is focused in mods with the great war as their theme. they have done some real progress by changing uniform color and adding new weapon models, they are even working on 3d max models for h&d; interested, i sure am. link added below 5-27-2001 HIDDEN & DANGEROUS FANATIC SITE IS BACK ONLINE what is the importance in this news you may ask , well as all people that have followed development in editing from the beginings of hidden and dangerous will know that h&d Fanatic was at the forefront of research some time ago but for some reason the site stop being updated back in 1999, but it seems that LICKSHOT has taken control of this great site and will maintain it . link for this site has been added. so please go visit and support this legendary site HIDDEN & DANGEROUS:US2 SITE RECOGNIZED AND LINKED in other news, the site HIDDEN & DANGEROUS:US2 has been finally linked , i have erred in a great way by thinking that this was a mirror of the hidden and dangerous2.com.uk website . this is a completely diferent site dedicated to the original hidden and dangerous .sorry for the snafu link added MINOR RANT ABOUT RAINBOW 6 ROUGE SPEAR again i have gotten desperate for hidden and dagereous like tactical combat. i have been playing rouge spear. i would not call it a landmine but playing this game is more work than actual fun. the planing involved is so complex and decisions cannot be made on the fly.you have a huge arsenal of weaponry but most missions require the use of suppresed weapons wich are limited in their use . also the total reliance on hostage rescue is overwelming there is more hiding and running involved than actual combat .in order for a game to begreat it has to be excellent in both single player as well as multiplayer like hidden and dangerous . I can only express dissapointment that this game has such a huge following not just of players but of moders, there are mods out there wich add about 96 new weapos including models and descriptions .mods that change the game into other historical conflicts . and more being made every day . sometimes life is not fair(chicken soup for the soul) . 5-18-2001 STEP INTO THE MINEFIELD new section to the website . this section is just for fun it describes some of the games that I have steped on by misteake and caused a traumatic gaming experience. avoid these gaming mines yourself at all cost. 5-17-2001 DRAGON SITE IS BACK UP you see i knew it was temporary but it was a close call 5-16-2001 NEED UPDATE ON EFFECTIVENESS OF H&D.DTA HACKS AND OTHER RANTS My modified *.DTA files have been available for download for some time now and im am interested in knowing about their effectivenes. im am specially interested if they can be used in multiplayer games and if so do they give their user an advantage.also can they be used to play against players using unmodified DTA files. In other news i would like to remind people that the files available for download in this site are FOR EDUCATIONAL NON PROFIT USES ONLY; i am not making any money out of this and you should not either .this site strictly DOES NOT ENCOURAGE OR APPROVE OF piracy in any way. this as an answer to some peoples questions about burning copies of the hidden and dangerous original cds. this site purpose is that of modding and adding on to the hidden and dangerous experience not to backup or duplicate original cds, trust me there is plenty of information out there just use a search engine ;-) besides dont be cheap,the hidden and dagerous and devils bridge pack is selling for about $15US now adays buy a legitimate copy . In very diferent news I have also noticed that some of my links such as the one for Alex Deviliers dragonsoft site is not working. as you all know the Hidden And Dangerous scene is very volatile and the fear of hidden and dangerous being relegated to oblivion is a very real one; my guess is that Alex's site is down temporarily especially after all the effort he has put into his dragon unpacker. I have not been able to find any new relevant h&d sites lately . if you find one that is relevant to moding and editing purposes email me. 5-13-2001 POSSIBLE NON H&D ADDITION TO SALS WEBSITE Since I started playing tactical shooters like H&D I have not cared much for first person shooters the likes of Quake and Halflife, too much emphasis by the modding comunity on multiplayer and not enough on actual reallism . Until I started playing FOX interactive's The Operative NO ONE LIVES FOR EVER. this game rocks. Forget tomb raider's Lara CrofT, NOLF's heroine Cate Archer is exponentially hotter and actually has a brain indicated by witty interaction with game characters. the weaponry and enemy AI actually require you to use the tactics learned in H&D; stealth and precision fire control . some weapons are the sorth of thing we need in H&D like suppresed walter p38 and supressed enfield mkIV rifle. weapons use diferent types of real world ammo like Full metal jacket rounds for armored targets and hollow point for soft targets. and not only that but its open architecture. the makers make the editing tool that was used to CREATE THE GAME available to the public FOR FREE!, with them you can create complete levels, cinemas, and import weapons and new shapes. IF only the makers of H&D had shared some of this openess. I am tring my had out at moding this excellent platform and when i have created a viable mod i will create a subsection to this site devoted to NOLF. this by no means indicates lost interest in H&D in my part. Hidden and dangerous is still THE tacticall shooter to play even after the years it has been out there and that it is trully of cult following. Rest assured that my quest to enhance H&D will continue. 5-10-2001 HAPPY MOTHERS DAY It's mothers day here in Mexico so no major updates today just added a few more GIFS to make the site look nicer. still looking for the file the controls weapon loadouts and weigths. I believe its either INVENTORY.TAB OR ULOKMY.TAB. some of the weapons in the game historically were much ligther and had higher ammo capacity, also looking fo a way to import devils bridge weapons like the Tokarev ppsh42. some of the files are writen in a foreign language wich i believe is Czech. also i would like to know wich programing language was used in the the game . rember any help is appreciated 5-2-2001 DRAGON UNPACKER AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD ,REALLY! was not able to make Dragon Unpacker available for download yesterday but its up today enjoy. 5-1-2001 HAPPY MAY DAY DRAGON UNPACKER AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD Excellent data extractor from france created by Alex Devilliers. This data extractor does the same things that Data Ex but it is a much nicer interface resembling windows explorer showing you true folder and file structure . the english version is available here but there are many languages supported , can you say internationalist ;-). this program unlike other editor projects that have not been updated in months , or years, is being updated constantly with newer versions his site is added to the list of links. go there and show your support 4-16-2001 MODIFIED H&D.DTA FOR DEVILS BRIDGE AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD Soldiers modified James Sauce Kidney, Thomas clifton, Philipe Jardin, and Arthur Collem. All attributes for these soldiers at 100%.This is essentially the same hack that i did to the original h&d.dta file but this one is for devils bridge soldiers. how to improve more soldiers? see Edit *.DTA files section. also corrected some prior news 4-15-2001 HAPPY EASTER MADE NEWS IN DECENDING ORDER .A more familiar format .We have been listed in www.hidden-and-dangerous2.co.uk. THE best site for the hidden and dangerous in my opinion . link added. gave downloads page new alpine look that is easier on the eyes. 4-10-2001 MODIFIED H&D.DTA FILE AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD this is an example of what can be done with HDDE EX. Four soldiers ;William Mad Calvert, Paul Montbatten, Geoeffrey Frankie de troi, and Lasse Thekjus have been given all attributes at 100%. you will kick some serious ass with these soldiers .SEE DOWNLOADS SECTION NEW SECTION TO SITE ;Edit *.DTA files In this section i show how i edited the TAB files in my H&D.DTA download . iLLustrated guide 4-8-2001 HIDDEN AND DANGEROUS SAVE GAME EDITOR Hidden & Dangerous Savegame Editor Version Beta Build, Public Beta 5. AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD this is one of the original editors available Mr johan "Zarkow" Munkestam (http://www.zarkow.com/programming/) . it edits saved games and can be used to modify amount of ammo available for weapons IN SAVED GAMES. have not been able to explore this one in detail 4-7-2001 HEX EDITOR AVAILABLE this is a freeware hex editor by Andrew W. Phillips. you have to use this, or something like it , to edit some of the values on .TAB files (attributes) very easy to use . download section 4-6-2001 HDDE EX IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD HDDE EX is a data extractor/text editor created by Paolo Faccini(original site below),with which you can edit text in game and numerical values such as atribute percentages (reaction , shooting etc )not much info on how to use it as of yet. will make available some of my own experiments soon. but i do know that you will also need a Hex editor to edit numerical values. will make one available as soon as possible. 4-5-2001 Site is created no downloads available yet but soon.